Rotary Club donates dictionaries

Published 10:15 am Thursday, October 23, 2008

Troy Elementary School third grader’s eyes lit up when they found out what the Troy Rotary Club had to give them Wednesday morning.

“Give them a book of any kind, and they’re excited,” said Principal Geoffrey Spann.

In part of their efforts to increase literacy, Rotarians donated dictionaries to every third grade student at TES this week.

“We gave each third grader a personal dictionary, and it’s something we hope they will use to grow and be successful,” said Rotary Club President Dave Barron. “The theme of this year’s rotary is ‘Make Dreams Real,’ and this is one way to do it.”

Barron said the literacy project is one they do every year, but the idea to give out dictionaries is one close to his heart.

“I literally still have a dictionary that was given to me by my superintendent when I was a kid,” Barron said. “It really makes a difference.”

Spann said in the school, third grade students have already been learning how to use a dictionary, and this gift will only further expand that education.

Troy is not the only rotary club working on this project, however. Brundidge Rotary Club members also have donated dictionaries to local students.