Hephzibah Baptist hosts event for outdoorsmen

Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Luke 14:23 encourages Christians to “go out along the back roads and fence rows and make people come in so that my house will be full.”

And, that’s exactly what the Men’s Ministry of Hephzibah Baptist Church is doing on Sunday, Oct. 19.

The Men’s Ministry will sponsor a Cross Heir Outfitters Reaching Outdoorsmen for Christ event that is designed specifically for the outdoorsman.

“The purpose of this event is to reach outdoorsmen who may or may not be regular church members,” said Mike Floyd, chairman of the Men’s Ministry. “Reaching Outdoorsmen for Christ is not just for men. It’s for the whole family and everyone is invited.”

Cross Heir Outfitters Reaching Outdoorsmen for Christ is a Florida-based ministry that has been successful in reaching out to the outdoorsman because it ministers on the outdoorsman’s turf.

“We’ll get started on Sunday at 10 a.m. with the exhibits and activities that include displays of old cars and tractors,” Floyd said. “We’ll have a dragster brought in after the noon church service. Cross Heir Outfitters will have its trailer here with all kinds of mounts – deer, fish, bears. And we’ll have games for younger people and older people, too, if they want to participate. There will be football and baseball tosses, face painting and reel and rod casting for kids. We’ll also have bow and mussel loader demonstrations. so there will be a lot to see and do before the worship service begins at 11 o’clock.”

Floyd said the sanctuary will be decorated with the woodsy offerings of Mother Nature that are found along the back roads and along the fence rows.

The service will include music, skits and the message brought by Robert Bradow, founder of Cross Heir Outfitters.

“Robert Bradow’s message will be geared toward outdoorsmen,” Floyd said. “During the message he will shoot the bow to get his point across. He is an outstanding speaker and everyone will enjoy him.”

Following the service, a barbecue lunch will be served. The exhibits will reopen and the activities will resume. The event will end at 2 p.m.

Those who attend will be eligible for a $200 gift certificate to Bass Pro Shops that will be given away.