Commission candidates face tough issues

Published 10:00 pm Saturday, October 11, 2008

The candidates vying for Pike County commission have some serious issues to consider and address, chief among them paying off the county’s $10 million-plus debt and finding revenue and funding for the basic needs of the county, specifically road and bridge repairs and resurfacing work.

It’s easy to wonder why anyone in his, or her, right mind would willingly seek out a role on the commission right now. Few are motivated purely by a desire to serve their fellow Pike Countians; some may be motivated, in part, by dissatisfaction with incumbents; others may see the role of commissioner as a plum governmental position (although it’s far from that).

But with nine candidates vying for four of the six district seats in November’s general election, it’s evident that interest in the commission is high.

And that is why we challenge you – the voters – to consider who you will elect to represent your district.

Pike County needs commissioners with more than just common sense and an affable personality. Our county needs problem-solvers, with a sharp mind for business and the ability to work with, through and even in spite of others to achieve the best results for our county. We’re going to have to make some difficult decisions in the next for years, particularly as relates to cutting expenses – perhaps even to the point or reducing the number of people on the county’s payroll – and finding the money to fund the basic infrastructure needs of our county, not to mention any growth and development. No one wants to talk about increasing taxes – and truth be told, many Pike Countians are wary of giving the commission any more additional revenue until it can prove its worthiness in managing and allocating those funds – but it’s an issue we’ll have to address.

So please, take the time to learn about your commission candidates. Ask them where they stand on the issues important to you, and to all of us. And then consider character, integrity and track records before you head to the polls on Nov. 4.

We need the best group of leaders possible to guide our county through the next four years.