New Troy plan considers parks, recreation

Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Troy’s long-term city plan draft calls for more recreation development in town.

A study done on the city said Troy is lacking in its number of parks, said Parks and Recreation Director Dan Smith.

“One of the primary things that was mentioned was the lack of parks, family community recreation parks, in Troy,” Smith said.

“We’re very blessed to have Murphree Park and some smaller facility parks at Franklin Field, Washington Park, Academy Street and the Sportsplex, but I would love one day to see large family parks equally distributed through the city limits of Troy.”

Smith said he isn’t certain where the parks would be placed in the future, but it was one of the highlighted areas of the plan’s draft.

“I don’t know whether it’d be in the North, South, East and West regions of the city or based on population areas,” Smith said.

The plan also addresses the use of the city’s Sportsplex, county lake and country club recreation facilities to maximize resident’s use.

“In looking at the plan, the Sportsplex property, which is 130 acres, is currently very well used, but we need to make sure we utilize all of these facilities to the best of their abilities,” Smith said. “But as far as future growth, we have identified we are deficient in parks and walking trains and have had discussions about both in terms of our long-range plan.”

Smith said a walking trail is already being addressed, before the plan’s draft is even finalized.

A grant awarded for a quarter-mile walking trail at the Sportsplex will undergo construction soon, that Smith said later will be expanded to a two-mile trail.

Smith said the plan’s call for recreation development, will also call for more green space in the city.

“To me, another facility asset we are lucky to have is open space areas,” Smith said.

“A park does not have to be wall-to-wall ball fields and playground equipment. It’s so important to have open areas to have grass and trees for families to get away and spread out.”

Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford said both green space and recreation are vital components of the city of Troy.

“Green space is extremely important, and obviously parks and recreation are too,” Lunsford said.

But, Lunsford said the plan’s draft is in the rough stages right now.

The city plan is not yet finalized, and a public hearing will be held from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Sportsplex.