Local DAR encourages observance of Constitution Week

Published 11:38 am Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Oliver Wiley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution recognized Constitution Week early this year with the dedication of a grave marker for one of their own, Elaine Dotson.

“Normally, we celebrate Constitution Week by having a speaker come in and talk to us about the importance of the Constitution but this year we decided to pay the last and highest honor to Elaine’s memory,” said Carol Amos, past chapter regent.

September 17, marks the anniversary of the Signing of the Constitution of the United States and the Daughters of the American Revolution played a huge role in the institution of Constitution Week.

While president of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR), Gertrude S. Carraway was responsible for the annual designation of Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week, Amos said.

The DAR made its own resolution for Constitution Week, which was adopted April 21, 1955.

Members of the United State Congress received the DAR resolution and on June 7, 1955, it was discussed in the Senate. The first resolution to observe Constitution Week was made June 14, 1955 by Sen. William F. Knowland of California. Following the passage of the resolution by both Houses of Congress, President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued his proclamation on Aug. 19, 1955.

“The first observance of Constitution Week was so successful that, on Jan. 5, 1956, Sen. Knowland introduced a Joint Resolution to have the President designate Sept. 17-23 annually as Constitution Week,” Amos said.

The resolution was adopted on July 23, 1956, and signed into law on Aug. 2, 1956.

For his patriotic aid and interest, Sen. Knowland received an Award of Commendation from the Continental Congress, NSDAR, in April 1956.

Amos said because of the DAR’s long and untiring support of Constitution Week, the Oliver Wiley Chapter DAR strongly supports its observance and encourages all Troy and Pike County citizens to take a few