Tuesday, September 5, 2006, Obituaries

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Dr. Willis V. Crawford

Dr. Willis V. Crawford, a prominent and well-loved physician in Troy, for over 32 years, died on Saturday, Sept. 2, 2006, at the University of Alabama Hospital in Birmingham from complications following heart surgery on August 23, 2006.

Visitation was held at Dillard Funeral Home in Troy on Monday night, September 4, from 6 to 8 p .m. Funeral services will be held at the sanctuary of First Baptist Church in Troy at 2 today with the Rev. Dr. Jay Wolf officiating.

Visitation will be held in the Parlor of First Baptist Church from 1 to 2 p.m. prior to the funeral service. Burial will follow at Green Hills Memorial Park.

He and his wife Bonita (Nita) moved to Troy with their family in 1974.

He was head of Pathology and Director of Laboratories at Mercy Hospital (now Cooper Green Hospital) in Birmingham, Alabama, for four years before moving to Troy to assume the same positions at Edge Memorial Hosptial.

Prior to his five years of Pathology Training, he set up a general practice and built the first medical clinic in Crossville, Alabama on Sand Mountian.

He and his wife brought all the modern lab and X-ray equipment found in hospitals to that area.

Dr, Crawford delivered over 4,000 babies there, including many in the birthing suite in their Clinic.

Many bear the names of Dr. Crawford or Bonita.

After 11 years of practice, the family moved to Birmingham, Alabama where, Dr. Crawford received five years of training in Pathology and had more time to spend with his family.

When he moved to Troy, Dr. Crawford oversaw the building of a new pathology and laboratory suite at Edge Memorial Hospital.

He also set up the Histopathology Lab and the Respitory Therapy Department.

The hospital was in dire need of new physicians, and the administrator asked Dr. Crawford if he would see a few patients to help keep the hospital open.

He was glad to help out and soon he was seeing more and more patients.

Finally, he had to choose between being a family doctor or a Pathologist.

He quickly returned to his first love and became a fulltime family doctor again.

Many of his patients were saddened when he retired two years ago due to failing health.

Through the years of his practice, he served as Chief of Staff at Boaz-Albertville Hosptial, Cheif of Staff at Mercy Hospital where he actively worked on planning the new hospital and recruiting new physicians, and Chief of Staff at Edge Memorial Hospital.

He was also President of the Marshall County Medical Society and President of the Pike County Society.

He and his wife founded the Pike County Diabetes Society, and Dr. Crawford served as Chairman of the Pike County Heart Association.

He was active in training LPN’s and Emt’s in Pike County.

Throughout his long carerr, he spoke to many groups about health issues and concerns.

Always the teacher, he also headed the Family Practice Department of the South Alabama Medical School in Troy.

Many residents trained in his office and often lived with Dr. Crawford and his family during their six week training rotation in Troy.

Dr. Crawford for many years was the company doctor for Sanders Lead Company, Wiley Sanders Trucking Company and KW Plastics.

He also worked with other companies to assure safety standards were met and exams and treatment were provided as needed. He was a pilot and a FAA Medical Examiner. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Troy and the Barraca Sunday School Class.

After the couple’s recent move to Montgomery, they became members of First Baptist Church of Montgomery. Dr. Crawford is survived by his wife, Bonita; and children, Dr. Wynne Crawford of Montgomery; Nilha and Richard Pearce of Buford, Ga.; and Trent and Joyce Crawford of Troy. Left behind are sisters-in-law, Donna Monroe, Dorris Crawford Bonner, Wanda Neville, and Susan Weidman, brothers-in-law, Paul (Bud) Weidman, Dean Neville, and Judge Roger Monroe. He had two grandsons, Chase Crawford and Jonathan Crawford. Granddaughters are Courtney Pearce, Amber Crawford, and Elizabeth Crawford. Also he will be missed by his sister, Pauline White of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Nephews are Chris (Brandi) Weidman, Kyle Weidman, Micha (Donna) Crawford, Garrett Crawford, and John C. Ray, Nieces, Alexandria (Scott) Wegner, and Jacqueline (Chad) French, and very special friends and relatives, Sally and T.J. Williams, and Mrs. Patsy Reynolds. Palbearers will be, Pete Jordan, Cecil (Dink) Stephens, Ernest Capozzoli, Paul Weidman, Jr., Harold Dean Neville, and Judge Roger Monroe.

Honorary members will be, Homer Anderson, the Medical Staff of Troy Regional Medical Center, member os the Baracca Class of First Baptist Church, Richard Deichmann, and General Stuart French.

The family request that memorial be made to the First Baptist Church of Montgomery or the American Heart Association.

Florence &#8220Polly” Smith

Services for Florence &#8220Polly” Smith, age 90, of Griffin, Ga., who died Monday, Sept. 4, 2006, at her residence, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6, at Devotie Baptist Church with the Rev. Swayne Poole officiating.

Burial will be in the Oak hill Cemetery

Visitation is from 6 to 8 p.m. today at Haisten McCullough Funeral

Home in Griffin.

Mrs. Smith was born April 29, 1916, in Manchester, Ga., the daughte rof the late Henry and Jackson Brannon and the late Ruby Estelle Glower Brannon. She was a longtime member of Devotie Baptist Church, where she attended the Joy Sunday School Class. Mrs. Smith had worked as a winder at Dundee No. 1, volunteered for many years at the hospital as a PInk Lady, and enjoyed working in her flower garden. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Woodson Smith, and a son, Johnny Smith.

Survivors include three sons and daughters-in-law, Henry &#8220Buster” and Frances Smith, David R. &#8220Billy' Smith Sr. and Betty Sue, Jerome T. and Sheila Smith, all of Griffin; a daughter and son-in-law, Ruby Kate &#8220Katie” and Tommy Hale of Troy; 12 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

To pay condolences online to the family, please do so at www.haistenmcculloughfuneralhome.com.