Troy City Council makes wise use of creative financing

Published 12:00 am Thursday, August 14, 2003

The city's $13 million bond issue that is expected to go to market in the next week is a smart move on the city council's part.

The bulk of the proceeds from the general obligation bonds will go to financing current obligations or to refinance existing debt, and will lower the interest rate the city will have to pay - meaning that less tax money will go toward debt retirement and more to improvements in the city.

In essence, the city is getting more for its money by taking advantage of lower interest rates, which are beginning to climb.

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Council president Johnny Witherington said recently that the voters in the City of Troy trust the council to make these types of decisions.

That's uncommon and speaks well of both the council and the voters of Troy.

In order to be effective and efficient, governments at all levels need to have some flexibility in finding ways to provide the highest possible level of service to its constituency.

In this case, the city is doing just that. The mayor and the council have identified needs within the community, made obligations to meet those needs and have explored alternatives for financing those needs.

This bond issue make sense, and it's an example of the progressive leadership Troy citizens have come to expect.