Hank Jones: Setting the course for Troy

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Hank Jones is now a man heading out. With his replacement, Dr. Linda Felton-Smith, now hired, Jones will be able to transition the school district to new leadership.

He's been a visionary leader for the Troy City Schools, and his departure from the superintendent's post leaves big shoes for Felton-Smith to fill.

She will fill those shoes, through with her own brand of leadership and with her own initiatives.

The stage has been definitely set for the continued climb toward excellence, and Jones has been largely been the architect.

In his years in the superintendent's chair, Jones helped set the course for excellence in the city schools.

He's engineered curriculum changes and has implemented new programs that all ultimately serve to better educate our children.

We believe he has created a sought-after school system that has set a standard of excellence throughout Alabama.

Without a doubt, he has brought honor to the City of Troy and, in our opinion, is leaving the school system better off than he found it.

We salute Jones on his accomplishments during his tenure as superintendent, and we wish him well in his future endeavors.