Jab#039;s donates

Published 12:00 am Monday, July 28, 2003

T-shirts to Belles

By Micah Lewter

The Dixie Belles softball team will now be able to remember their state championship team every time they go to their closet.

Jab's Sporting Goods donated T-shirts for every coach and player on the team. The store made the presentation Monday evening, but the Jab's employee with the closest ties to the team was not aware of it until Monday morning.

"It was my sister's idea," Shirley Snell, whose daughter Heather plays on the team, said. "She has been working on it since last week, but she didn't tell me until this morning."

Snell runs the fishing half of Jab's, but her sister, Marrianne Gralheer, runs the portion that deals with sports apparel.

The business made the donation without any outside financial help.

"The girls kept saying, 'Where's my T-shirt?'" Snell said. "You know, when you win the state championship, you usually get a shirt."

The T-shirts have the Dixie logo on the front and "Alabama State Champs." On the back, the shirts list all the girls' names.