Lawn lunch a Colley Senior Complex Tuesday

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 26, 2003

The lazy, hazy days of summer will soon give way to the flurry of activities associated with the beginning of a new school year.

Before that day comes, the city of Troy and the Colley Senior Complex want to bring the community together for one last summer hoorah.

Everyone is invited to a gathering on the lawn of the Colley Senior Complex from noon until 1 p.m. on Tuesday.

"We want to invite people of all ages to join us for the very special event;" said Shelia Jackson, public relations director for the city of Troy. "Hindu and the Crew will provide the entertainment while we eat lunch and visit with our friends and neighbors. We hope that everyone will bring a lunch for this big community picnic. However, those who don't bring a lunch can still enjoy free lemonade, popcorn and ice cream."

Jackson said Hindu and the Crew is a well-known and popular band.

"They play

jazz, blues and gospel so their music has a wide appeal," she said. "Henry Everett is on the keyboard; Larry Thomas is on the saxaphone and David Everett is on bass. The drummer changes from time to time, but whoever it is will be good."

The children from the Little Trojan Learning Center will be special guests at the outdoor event.

"Children always bring smiles to any event," Jackson said. "We are proud to have them as part of this lunch on the lawn event. We invite everyone to visit the Colley Senior Complex to see all of the outstanding art work on display and visit the activity rooms to see what the center has to offer our senior citizens."

About 30 door prizes have been donated for the event by Rep. Alan Boothe, so Jackson said everyone needs to come early and plan to stay until the last door prize is handed out.