Troy takes bold step in eliminating video gaming

Published 12:00 am Saturday, June 28, 2003

Troy officials are taking a bold step toward eliminating unwanted video gaming in city limits.

The council voted this week to ban all video gaming machines within the city limits, giving owners up to 30 days to shut down the devices.

The decision should not be a surprise to anyone who has been following this issue.

City officials have long questioned both the legality and the wisdom of allowing these types of games. And, although

leaders had been waiting for a final court ruling on the issue, they decided to move ahead and follow the lead of other cities which already have banned the machines.

In many ways, it is a good move for our city. With growing concerns about an influx of gaming activities – particularly after Montgomery leaders banned the machines and business owners began looking to Pike County as an alternative location – the council needed to take action.

And, by banning machines now, the city council moved to prevent the growth of an industry and business that many people see as undesirable.

It's a responsible move on the city's part.