Troy police have blood drive today

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 23, 2003

The Troy Police Department's Sixth Annual American Red Cross Blood Drive kicks off today in the Municipal Courtroom at 12 p.m.

Everage, who started the department's blood drive when he was first appointed police chief, said the event was a way his department could give back to the community.

"In our profession, we see the need to give blood and we see it as an opportunity to give back to not only our community, but other communities as well," he said.

Everage said traditionally the event is held just prior to the Fourth of July weekend, when blood supplies are often at low points.

"With the increase in holiday traffic, the chances of traffic mishaps are higher and with those accidents, the need for blood increases," he said.

People who give blood, Everage said, were community heroes.

Anyone in good health who is at least 17 years of age and who weighs at least 110 pounds can donate blood, according to information from the American Red Cross.

The Red Cross provides blood products to more than 100 Alabama hospitals including Edge Regional Medical Center in Troy.

All blood types are needed.

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs a blood transfusion, according to Red Cross figures.

Tee shirts, snacks and donor appreciation prizes will be available.

What makes the blood drive successful, Everage said, was the commitment from both city employees and the public.

"Everybody really gets behind this drive and supports the department in this activity," he said.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment to make a blood donation, contact Jackie Carlisle at the police department at 566-0500.