Acting mayor to continue Banks duties

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 16, 2003

The Banks Community is still reeling from the death of its longtime mayor, Larry Henderson, but the work of the city must go on.

Naomi Green, town clerk, said the town council has not met since Henderson died on June 9, while hospitalized for injuries received in an automobile accident.

"We are assuming that our mayor pro-tem, Wayne Wilson, will serve as mayor until Larry's term expires this year," Green said. "Wayne was the acting mayor at our June meeting - when Larry was in the hospital. He was elected as mayor pro-tem, so, he will probably continue to serve in that capacity."

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The Banks Town Council meets the first Monday of the month and will not hold a regular meeting until July 7. However, Green said there will probably be a called meeting of the council before then, possibly this week.

"We have 60 days to get everything worked out, but we are hoping to get together this week, if possible," Green said. "We've just got to find a time that's convenient for all the council members."

Green said Henderson, who had been mayor for between 18 and 20 years,

kept a tight rein on the town's business.

"He knew what was going on at all times," she said. "If I needed anything, I could call Larry and he would be right on it," she said. "I give a full report of the town's finances and condition at each meeting. We want to do things right. That's the only way to do things these days and we'll continue to do that."

Green said the Banks community is still having difficulty accepting the loss of, not only its mayor, but "a dear friend."

"Everybody is still expressing their sympathy," she said. "It's just hard to believe."