Addressing state#039;s finances takes courage

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 20, 2003

"I like the word 'courage' that the governor used in his speech because this is a time that we've got to have enough courage to stop patching things."

- Sen. Wendell Mitchell

Gov. Bob Riley took the first step toward selling his $1 billion tax package to Alabama Monday with an address to the state.

In reaction, Sen. Mitchell's comments are a good commentary on the issue.

Alabama stands on the very brink of financial ruin, and it will indeed take courage to solve the problem.

Riley has already displayed such courage, now it's the Legislature's turn. Even though the package has not yet come to a legislative vote, lawmakers must have the courage to deal with the package decisively and quickly.

Once done, Alabamians will have their turn at courage. We must make a decision now that will have great impact on future generations.

That decision, we believe, comes down to a single question: Do we fix the state fiscal process, or do we continue patching things to get by?

It's a hard choice to make, but usually the toughest choices become the best directions to follow.

When it comes to this decision, have the courage to vote, and to vote your convictions.