Summer school registration begins

Published 12:00 am Monday, May 5, 2003

Summer school registration at the Troy-Pike Center for Technology began yesterday and will last through June 6.

Classes will begin June 9 and end July 10.

Deborah Huggins, director of the Center for Technology, said the classes are computer driven.

That allows students who are taking different classes to work in the same room.

Even though the course work is on the computer, Huggins said local teachers will be there to explain the assignments and answer any questions.

"We try to have a math teacher and an English teacher on hand to provide a bit of a balance," Huggins said.

The classes range from English to science and from math to government and are available to students who are trying to make up credit.

"It's on a first come, first serve basis, so if students know they're going to fail a class, they need to go ahead and sign up," Huggins said.

The room only has 20 computers, so Huggins said she tries to limit the class size to 20 students.

She said every year she has to turn students away.

Some students, however, don't take the full month to complete their course work.

If that is the case, their slot is offered to another student provided that student can complete the course in the time remaining.

Although the classes are open to public and private schools, students from Troy City and Pike County schools are accommodated first.

Each credit hour for public school students is $280; for out of system students, each credit hour is $420.

Students will be served free lunch.

To register for classes, call the Center for Technology at 566-5395.

Course Information:

Classes will be held June 9-July 10 from 7:20 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday.

Courses include: English 9, 10, 11, 12; Earth, Physical and Life Sciences; Biology; Pre-Algebra, Algebra A and B, Algebra I and II, Geometry A and B and Geometry; U.S. History 10 and 11; Government/Economics; and World History.

Each credit hour is $280 for county and city system students and $420 for all others.

The fee must be paid in full upon registration.

Registration is May 5-June 6 on a first come, first serve basis.

Contact the Troy-Pike Center for Technology at 566-5395 to register.