BBA gears up for Trade Day

Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 17, 2003

Warm, sunny days are the only encouragement most people need to do some much needed spring cleaning. Clothes, odds and ends and even some big furniture items need to moved out and cleared out so as to make way for those lazy, days of summer.

So, it's at this time of year that the Brundidge Business Association (BBA) sponsors a day for people to put a few pennies in their pockets as their trash becomes another man's treasure.

Brundidge Trade Day and Arts and Crafts Show is set for May 3 on the grounds of the historic Bass House in downtown Brundidge. Everyone is invited to clean out their attic, garage, storage structure or from under their beds and haul it to Brundidge for sale or trade.

Lamar Steed, BBA president, said Trade Day in Brundidge is a unique event.

"Not only are people invited to bring their 'trash' to Brundidge to sell or trade, artists and craftsmen are also invited to display and sell their work," Steed said. "We will have a lineup of outstanding artists and craftsmen whose talents will be on display. So, we have something for everyone, from 'trash' to real treasures crafted and created by these very talented people."

Steed said Trade Day is a great opportunity for church groups, clubs and organizations to raise funds.

The BBA is expecting a large crowd for Trade Day and anytime a crowd gathers, hunger strikes.

"Food vendors are always popular at any outdoor event," Steed said. "So, if your group would like to participate with baked goods or other food items, you are invited."

Booths for 'flea market' items are $10. Other booths are $25.

There no admission charge to Trade Day.

"We want people to spend their money with our vendors," Steed said. "And, we also want them to take the opportunity to visit our downtown merchants. We have a variety of stores and, those who have never shopped in Brundidge will be surprised at the quality of merchandise available."

The theme for this year's Trade Day is '"Have you shopped Brundidge lately?"

"The BBA's goal this year to let people know about the shopping opportunities in Brundidge and encourage people to shop here," Steed said. "The shopping atmosphere is unique and the merchants and their employees will make you feel right at home with their personal service."

Trade Day will get an early start at 8 a.m. and the Arts and Crafts Show will piggy-back at 9 a.m.

Entertainment is planned from 10 a.m. until noon. The show will close around 2 p.m.

Jimmy Hollis is chairman of the Trade Day/Arts and Crafts Show committee. For more information or to reserve a booth, call Hollis at 735-2312.