Keep soldiers and their families in prayers

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 22, 2003

For Christians, today is a day of prayer.

And as we go to church, or stop to reflect in the privacy of our homes, we will pray for our nation, our soldiers and their families.

Since Wednesday, we have watched a war unfold halfway around the world. In surreal images on our television screens, we watch the soldiers and tanks move across the Iraqi desert. We see the images of Baghdad's skyline aglow at night, under the bombardment of coalition air strikes.

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And with more heartfelt reality, we share the fear, pride, angst and worries of our friends and neighbors who have loved ones fighting in this war.

We hang yellow ribbons and pray. We offer solace and support to the families who have brothers and fathers, sons and daughters, wives and sisters fighting in the war.

We will pray today for their safety, for their protection and, ultimately, for their success in their mission - a success that ultimately will bring them back home.