A Note from the Chairman

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Dear Chamber Members,

Excitement is ever present at the Pike County Chamber of Commerce!

We continue to work to

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"reinvent" ourselves since we are now functioning separately from the Pike County Economic Development Corporation. The Chamber Board is currently identifying ways we can better serve the needs and concerns of both our business and individual Chamber members.

While Economic Development is working hard to attract new businesses and industry to our county, the Chamber is working equally diligently to make Pike County a place where businesses and citizens will want to locate and live, as well as to improve the quality of life in Pike County.

One important way that each of you can help is to join the Chamber if you're not already a member and, if you are, help us to identify folks who are not.

In August, we will have a membership drive, which is important to all of us.

More members mean a stronger collective voice.

Please speak actively of the benefits of membership to friends and businesses in your area.

All citizens of Pike County will feel the result of that stronger membership.

Participation and communication are, as always, key components in achieving this goal.

We want to hear from YOU!

For example, what programs would you like to see the Chamber sponsor?

Please call, write, or email me at the Chamber Office with your input.

After all, the Chamber is you!

I hope you share my excitement for the future of Pike County and its Chamber!

I look forward to hearing from each of you in the upcoming months.

Let's all work together to make the Chamber and Pike County the best that they can be!


Jean W. Laliberte, Sc.D.
