St. Martin#039;s Church respects life
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 5, 2003
Saint Martin's Catholic Church is taking a stand against abortion and will actively work to get the pro-life message across to the people of Pike and surrounding counties.
An organizational meeting of the Respect for Life Committee Wednesday night was a forum for ideas on how the committee can be most effective in its endeavors.
"The committee will meet once a month for Holy Hour and Mass and a Rosary," said Aileen Barreca, committee member. "The committee will be made up of all ages, including Focus students from Troy State University. We have also asked the high school students to be a part of the committee.
Anyone who is interested may join us."
Barreca said the group considered several ways to get the message across to others and to reaffirm their own personal commitment to the cause.
"As a group, we will fast once a month and we will see about starting our own stand against abortion," she said.
In Dothan, pro-life supporters stand around the Ross Clark Circle with anti-abortion signs and the committee will consider a similar "stand" in Troy.
Barreca said the committee also hopes to be more involved in the sidewalk prayer and counseling programs at Beacon Clinic in Montgomery.
"Some of the kids from Saint Martin's go to Montgomery every week and we hope to involve adults in the program," she said. "We want more of our committee members to be trained as counselors."
The main purpose of the Respect for Life Committee is to pray for an end to abortion.
"We want to do all we can as individuals, and as a group, to stop abortion," Barreca said. "That includes staying informed about what's going on politically on the issue, educating ourselves about the effects of abortion on women, reading pro-life books and materials and being involved in education programs."
The committee members will also wear
"Precious Feet" pins.
The Precious Feet pins represents the actual size and shape of a pre-born baby's tiny feet just 10 weeks after conception.
Most people have no idea how well developed the unborn child is at this stage of his or her life, Barreca said. The pins will bring visual awareness of this "new life."
"We will display pro-life bumper stickers on our cars to get the message out to other people," she said. "We will also make pro-life shoppers guides available. They include companies that donate to Planned Parenthood and NOW - the National Organization for Women."
The committee is also considering establishing a memorial for pre-born babies," Barreca said. "Many places are placing tombstones as memorials to all the babies that have died as the result of abortion."
Attending the March of Life and the Pro-Life Convention each year is also a consideration for the Respect for Life Committee.
"But, the most important thing we do is pray," Barreca said. "We will offer a special mass the first Wednesday of each month for this purpose. We do plan to be very active and do all we can to bring awareness and Respect for Life."