Kelly interested in marine biology career

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Meghan Kelly has no idea why she is so fascinated with science.

She has always enjoyed the beach and goes several times a year.

However, there has been no defining experience that pointed her in the direction of marine biology.

But, she says, marine biology is exactly the career she wants to pursue.

&uot;I've just always loved science and I like animals so I am more interested in animal science than in any other kind,&uot; Meghan said.

A student whose favorite subject is science would be expected to be a good student and Megan is a very good student.

The Charles Henderson High School senior is a recent recipient of a Troy State University scholarship and will become a Trojan in the fall.

For Meghan, the scholarship was a reward for a job well done and it is also the key to future.

&uot;My mother always pushed me to do the best I can do,&uot; Meghan said. &uot;She encouraged me to study, practice and work hard in everything that I do.&uot;

Meghan realizes the work ethic her mother instilled in her is not a end but a means to any end she pursues.

When good grades in Spanish were harder to earn, Meghan studied longer and harder.

When she wanted to learn to play piano, Meghan practiced extra hours. When she wanted to learn to play the clarinet, she committed herself to the task.

And, when Meghan wanted to become a majorette, she had to learn patience.

&uot;When I was younger I took baton lessons and I really liked it,&uot; Meghan said. &uot;I wanted to be a majorette, but it was a requirement that you be in the marching band for a year before you try out for majorette.&uot;

Meghan took that year to improve the skills she needed to be a majorette by taking lessons and practicing on her own.

When the time finally came that Meghan could try out for majorette, she was ready. One of her happiest days was when she became a majorette with the Blue Machine Marching Band. But, that day wasn't nearly as exciting as when she became the featured twirler for the band.

In accepting a scholarship to Troy State, Meghan is also accepting responsibility to continue to strive to do the best she can do and be the best she can be. And, she has set goals for herself that, with dedication and hard work,

are within her reach.

And, most of all, Meghan's goal is the make the grades and learn the lessons necessary to succeed in whatever

career path she chooses.

Right now, she has her sights set on a career in science in general and marine biology in particular. And, she doesn't plan to stray too far from the path she has set.