Opionion pieces published in The Messenger’s Online Edition during October 1999 included:

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 11, 2002

October 1, 1999

Column: Amy Lansdon

It may not be a bad plan, but lottery has holes

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Tim Huddleston and Bill Harris both presented good arguments for and against the lottery at the lottery forum sponsored by the American Association of University Women.


Leadership questions arise from governor’s comments

No Plan B? It’s the result of reckless behavior and poor leadership if Governor Don Siegelman’s words are true.

October 3, 1999


Editorial: Pike County Fair opens Monday; plan to be there

Beginning tomorrow, Troy and Pike County residents can show support for a great cause and have a lot of fun doing it.

October 5, 1999

Column: Jaine Treadwell

Lotto about a Lotto

The Bible says let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

October 6, 1999


Brown Bag Lunches offer great community interaction downtown

Brown Bag Lunch returns this week to Troy’s downtown square, and we encourage everyone in the community to attend.

Column: Fran Sharp

There is help available for depression sufferers

Thursday, Oct. 7, free anonymous screenings for depression will be available at numerous Alabama sites as part of National Depression Screening Day nationwide.

October 7, 1999


Making Troy crime-free will take cooperation

Though it often seems to us that the headlines about crime are smaller in small towns, the facts show that there are some things that residents of Troy should be aware of.

Column: Michelle Wilson

Books find a higher shelf thanks to gnawing puppy

A couple of months ago, I introduced you to my new furry child – Jasmine the Labrador Retriever puppy.

October 10, 1999


Vote your heart or mind, but know the real facts

To many religious organizations, it’s a parasitic program designed to bleed the Alabama public of what dignity it has left.

Column: Jaine Treadwell

Take time to stop and smell the roses

If it’s true that we remember feelings, not things, then what kind of memories are we making in this rat-race world?

October 12, 1999

Column: Amanda Bradley

Column: Amanda Bradley Countdown to the big day is one month, 29 days and closing

I have been chastised about not writing anything funny lately. Sometimes it comes, and sometimes it doesn’t. All I can do is write about what is happening in my life and hope you enjoy it.


It’s your future; be sure to cast your vote today

Today voters will decide on what many political gurus are describing as one of the most significant issues to affect the state in recent memory.

October 13, 1999


Residents should play it safe during storms

In the past few weeks, Troy received more than its fair share of heavy rains. Although we are thankful for the much needed rains, they can cause localized flooding.

October 14, 1999


Lottery over; now it’s time to work together

Following the defeat of Gov. Don Siegelman’s Amendment 1, a proposal for a lottery for pre-school funds and scholarships for college students, the importance of a backup plan comes into question.

October 19, 1999

Column: Amanda Bradley

If you don’t vote, don’t complain about results

I am so proud of all the voters coming out last Tuesday to cast their vote for what they believed in. Whether it was for or against the lottery or for one of the other two amendments, at least you came out and put your two cents in the pot.


Hunting is a time for strict safety measures

As more and more seasons for hunting open, people around Pike County will trample off to the woods with bows, muzzle loaders and high powered rifles to seek game and an opportunity to spend valuable time outdoors.

Column: Jaine Treadwell

A really bad hair day

Not many old bags get a compliment from a celebrity but this old gal did.

October 20, 1999

Column: Brian Blackley

Millennium may be frightening, but I plan to have fun

Sometimes I think the close of the century – and the millennium – is going to be the beginning of some great apocalypse of biblical proportions.


Homecoming offers chance to show community pride

With the approach of Troy State University’s Homecoming on Saturday, Troy citizens are gearing up for a good time. Not only is this a chance to welcome back former Trojans – it is a time for our community to come together to celebrate the university’s contributions to the city.

October 21, 1999


Certified teachers are already tested;

why add more bureaucracy?

Much has been made of teacher testing in the state of Alabama in recent years, with some saying we need minimum standards for quality and others saying a variety of things – including that a teacher’s ability cannot be judged by a test.

Column: Michelle Wilson

City’s Celebration 2000 offers heaps of family fun

This year has gone by so fast for me and maybe for you, too.

October 22, 1999


Amos deserves Trojan Award for contributions

Troy State University has honored a lifetime Trojan with the highest award the University can present.

Column: Fran Sharp

Despite jokes, mammogram is no laughing matter

A mammogram is no laughing matter, but my first time – just as the exam was "half" over – I asked the attendant to look at the floor to see if my breast was laying on my foot because "I only have one more."

October 26, 1999


Last homecoming of century makes Trojan fans proud

Troy State Univery Trojan fans turned out en masse for the homecoming day events Saturday. From a cool morning at the 45th annual TSU Appreciation Day Parade to the after game party at the National Guard Armory, people showed their spirit as they cheered the Trojan team on to its 7th win of the year.

October 26, 1999

Column: Michelle Wilson

Birdwatching makes for

a great fall pasttime

Besides being one of my favorite pastimes in the fall and winter months, birdwatching has been rated one of the nation’s fastest-growing recreational activities, according to the Alabama Ornith-ological Society. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates more than 65 million Americans feed birds, and they spend about $2 billion on feed each year.

October 29, 1999

Column: Amy Lansdon

Cool weather and pantyhose just don’t mix

The cooler temperatures have been nice over the past week. They really put everyone in the spirit of homecoming, football, the Peanut Butter Festival and fall festivals at local schools. I love the cooler temperatures. It’s easier to breathe and do things outside without absolutely burning up.


Football season shows healthy spirit of athletes

Tonight, many high school seniors will walk on to a football field as a player for the last time in their lives.

October 31, 1999


Meeks worthy of honor bestowed

by council for dedication to duty

A deserving man was honored by a city that he has spent 24 years shaping and developing as a leader in business and government.

Column: Jaine Treadwell

The Goblins’ll get’cha if you don’t watch out

Once upon a time there was Happy Halloween.