
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Tax increase debates must be ‘up front’

We wonder what Gov. Don Siegelman was thinking on Tuesday when tried to slide a bill through the Senate that would increase oil and gas severance taxes to fund state workers’ pay raises.

February 18, 2002 10 PM

Student athletes end remarkable season

The girls and boys who played on the Pike Liberal Arts basketball teams deserve to walk a little taller these days, and a little prouder.

February 18, 2002 10 PM

Reform need not be ‘lobbyists’ free-for-all’

What will the rules be? That’s the question state Sen. Wendell Mitchell says the "thinking person" will ask when he endorses a vote to call a constitutional convention.

February 16, 2002 10 PM

Troy: A really great place to live

During the Tuesday night meeting of the Troy City Council, the council was presented with an award received by Whaley Construction Company for their work done on the Troy City Complex.

Community’s strength reflected in its Chamber

A community’s strength is often reflected in the vitality of its Chamber of Commerce.

Brundidge council makes right move

Yesterday, the Brundidge City Council did a good thing by giving the go-ahead to the Commuinity Theater Company of Brundidge and allowing them to use the old town hall building to put on a play for the members of the community.

February 5, 2002 10 PM

TSU sets precedent with conference

Troy State University has again outdone itself with their first African-American Leadership conference held Friday and Saturday on the Troy campus, to kick off Black History Month.

February 2, 2002 10 PM

Shelby on right track with issues

Funding for a stronger military. Increasing domestic oil production. Strengthening our free market system.

January 28, 2002 10 PM

Tourism is a great pull for state

Alabama is certainly a place that people should want to come.

January 24, 2002 10 PM

Senior Center offers more than meals

During the Tuesday meeting of the Troy City Council, the new director of the Troy Nutrition Center, Hassie Green, addressed the council concerning programs and activities at the center.

January 22, 2002 10 PM

Friendships forged at Junior Miss

Congratulations to neighboring Crenshaw County’s Junior Miss Laura Lynn Lester for winning the statewide competition Saturday night. Cheering her on was her longtime friend, Pike County’s Junior Miss Rachel Jennings.

January 16, 2002 10 PM

Lethal injection better solution

The Alabama House of Representatives took an important step Thursday toward rectifying our state’s capital punishment legislation.

January 16, 2002 10 PM

Teamwork, success echoed locally

Those themes will echo through Pike County this month as the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and the Brundidge Business Association gather for annual banquets, as well they should.

January 15, 2002 10 PM

Crisis shakes security at courthouse

Employees in the Pike County Courthouse were shaken from the relative comfort of security on Monday when an armed man held a guard at gunpoint.

January 14, 2002 10 PM

PAC takes religion issue to political arena

Supporters of an effort to place the Ten Commandments in public schools are venturing further into the political arena.

January 7, 2002 10 PM

Redistricting shouldn’t consume legislative agenda

Alabama lawmakers must spend the first several weeks of the upcoming legislative session dealing with an issue that should have been resolved long ago ­ congressional redistricting.

January 5, 2002 10 PM

Judge right to send Cherry to trial

An Alabama Circuit judge has made a historic ruling in declaring Bobby Frank Cherry mentally competent to stand trail for a fatal 1963 chuch bombing.

January 3, 2002 10 PM

Old Post Office plans will benefit community

After several months of speculation, a plan is in place for the renovation and use of the old Post Office building in downtown Troy.

January 2, 2002 10 PM

Landfill expansion would benefit city

Brundidge officials are considering a change that could generate $1.7 million for the city’s coffers.

Tuesday, January 1, 2002 10 PM

Alabamians back military campaign

If President Bush or other military leaders wonder if Americans support the war in Afghanistan, they need look only to Alabama.

Monday, December 31, 2001 10 PM

Column: Beth Lakey

Busy year draws to a close; elections and more lie ahead

It’s hard to believe I’ve been in Troy almost two years.

Monday, December 31, 2001 10 PM


Stacy Graning


Evan Carden

News Editor

August 1999 September 1999 October 1999 November 1999 December 1999 January 2000 February 2000 March 2000 April 2000 May 2000

We welcome local views and opinions through letters to the editor. Our Opinion Page is open to the public. We encourage comments from our readers in the form of letters to the editor or guest columns.

All letters must be signed and must include the address and telephone number of the sender. No libelous or slanderous letters will be published. Please limit letters to 300 words or less. We reserve the right to edit letters for correctness and style.

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Government officials responsible for the leadership of Pike County and the state of Alabama are:


U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions

Senate Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20510

(202) 224-4124

U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby

SH-313 Hart

Senate Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20510

(202) 224-5744

U.S. Rep. Terry Everett

208 Cannon

House Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-2901


Gov. Don Siegelman

State Capitol

600 Dexter Avenue

Montgomery, AL 36130

(334) 242-7100

State Rep. Alan Boothe

(334) 566-5742

State Sen. Wendell Mitchell

P.O. Box 225

Luverne, AL 36049

(334) 242-7858

Pike County

Probate Judge Bill Stone

(334) 566-1246

Dist. 1 – Willie C. Thomas

(334) 566-6203

Dist. 2 – Larry Meeks

(334) 566-0315

Dist. 3 – Larry Penn

(334) 566-0298

Dist. 4 – Ray Goodson

(334) 735-3028

Dist. 5 – Charlie Harris

(334) 735-2111

Dist. 6 – Karen T. Berry

(334) 484-3515


Mayor Jimmy Lunsford

(334) 566-0177 (Office)

(334) 566-2401 (Home)

Dist. 1 – José Henderson

(334) 566-1712

Dist. 2 – Charles Meeks

(334) 566-1874

Dist. 3 – Jason Reeves

(334) 566-1276

Dist. 4 – John Witherington

(334) 566-5815

Dist. 5 – Wanda Moultry

(334) 566-1712


Mayor Jimmy Ramage

(334) 735-3570

Dist. 1 – Sherroll Tatom


Dist. 2 – Arthur Griffin

(334) 735-5410

Dist. 3 – Jaine Treadwell

(334) 735-3675

Dist. 4 – Cynthia Pearson

(334) 735-5527

Dist. 5 – Isabell Boyd

(334) 735-5638


Mayor Michael Sanders

(334) 484-3352


Mayor Larry Henderson

(334) 243-5519