Troy Downtown Committee looks toward Sept. 11

Published 12:00 am Sunday, July 28, 2002

Features Editor

For Generation Now and Generation X, Sept. 11 will hold the same significance that Dec. 7 holds for the Greatest Generation.

No one will ever forget the day that will also "live in infamy."

Sept. 11, 2002 will mark the first anniversary of the terrorists’ attacks on the United States.

Even now, communities all across the nation are making plans to commemorate that day with special services and events.

The Troy’s Downtown Revitalization Committee met this week and discussed plans for a patriotic service on the square Sept. 11.

Shelia Jackson, director of tourism for the city of Troy and the Pike County Chamber of Commerce, said the downtown committee and the Pike County Chapter of the American Red Cross will work together in an effort to make the Sept. 11 commemorative event one of the best in the country.

"Pike Connations have always been patriotic and I’m sure this event will be well attended," Jackson said. "We have good participation at our Veterans Day and Memorial Day services. Our Independence Day activities – the Independence Day Parade in Brundidge and the Fourth of July Celebration in Troy – always draw big crowds. We have many people from the surrounding area who attend those events. We will invite surrounding communities that will not have events on Sept. 11 to join us. We want this to be one most highly attended events that we have on the square."

Jackson said the plans are in the infant stage right now, but the service will include speakers and special music.

"Area churches will be invited to participate," she said. "This will be a community-wide event and we are looking forward to it."

Rep. Alan Boothe and Sen. Wendell Mitchell will donate American flags to be placed on the poles in the downtown area, Jackson said.

"I believe the number is 28," she said. "The flags will be displayed for the first time at the Sept. 11 service. After that, they will be displayed on each holiday when the flag is flown. We want to thank Rep. Boothe and Sen. Mitchell for their support."

Jackson said ideas or suggestions for the special commemorative service on Sept. 11 are encouraged and calls may be directed to her at 566-0177.