Troy residents stalling implementation of E-911

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 18, 2002

Features Editor

Nonresponding residents within the city limits of Troy are holding up the implementation of E-911 service for Troy and Pike County.

Poor response to notifications that were delivered in April and May to Troy residents with route and box number addresses is causing a delay in the process, said Tina Jones, Pike County E-911 director.

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Eighty percent of Pike County voters indicated they wanted E-911 service for the county. But, getting residents to respond to the E-911 office with the necessary information to make this service available has been difficult.

Two mailouts were necessary to get the required minimum response from county residents and now residents within the city limits of Troy are exhibiting the same type of poor response.

In April, Jones began working with Junior Register at the city of Troy in an effort to eliminate all route and box number addresses within the city limits.

"Our office delivered the residential notifications to the affected areas within the city limits in April and May and the response has been poor," Jones said. "We would like to emphasize to everyone that a route and box number address was designated from mailing purposes only. Emergency response personnel have no idea where you are by your route and box numbers."

Jones said a route and box number will not load into an enhanced 911 system database, so a physical address must be assigned to each structure.

"The lack of cooperation by citizens will not prevent the address change or the implementation of the service in November; it will only affect the efficiency of it," Jones said. "Although inconvenient, this address change can save lives."

Jones said residents along North Three Notch Street have been particularly slow to respond.

Residents on North Three Notch and other streets within the city limits of Troy who are still using a route and box number address, and who have not been issued a physical address, are asked to contact Jones at 670-6600 as soon as possible so a physical address can be assigned.

Residents may also contact the E-911 office by e-mail at For e-mail requests to be processed, one must include full name, current address being used, telephone number and house description.

"Please note in your e-mail request if your mailbox is at your driveway and, if it is, label with your name/address," Jones said.

Jones said these residents will not begin using the new physical address until they are notified by the Troy postmaster to do so and that will be several months away.

Jones asked that any county resident who did not receive a 911 information address packet, those who discarded the packet or those who do not know their 911 address

contact her office.

"Due to the high call volume at the office, if you receive the voice mail, please leave a message and your call will be returned at the earliest convenience," Jones said. "Some county post offices have indicated they are close to using the new address. If instructed to use the new address, post it where it can be seen. We are in a transition period so, in the event of an emergency, give both addresses until the new equipment arrives in September."