Location of AC units the hottest question

Published 12:00 am Thursday, July 18, 2002

It’s the hottest question in Pike County today:

Who has those air-conditioning units?

The units, of course, are ones apparently stolen from the Pike County Board of Education. As law enforcement officials work through the tedious process of unraveling the facts, it is apparent that at least 10 ­ and quite possibly many more ­ units were purchased by the school district but sold and installed in residences and businesses throughout the county by City Electric Co., operated by Timothy Dewayne Spivey.

And that’s where the question comes in.

As part of the investigation, law enforcement officials must match invoices against units ­ checking serial numbers and validating location on what may literally be hundreds of units purchased over more than five years. And they’re going to need the public’s help.

The police chief and the district attorney have appealed to the public. They’re asking anyone who has purchased a unit from City Electric during the last five years to call the detective division at the Troy Police Department, 566-0500.

The phone call can help the police department determine the scope of the problem, and help put an end to that burning question in taxpayers’ minds.

It’s a question we all want answered.


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