Invest some time in cleaning up

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 1, 2002

Jobs; jobs; jobs.

It’s a familiar refrain in any community, and Pike County is no different. As the promise of Hyundai looms on the horizon – or more to the point, at Hope Hull – many people are echoing the familiar refrain.

Certainly, $1 billion assembly plant will bring jobs – nearly 2,000 are projected at that facility alone. But for communities like Troy and Brundidge, Banks and Goshen, the greatest impact is likely to be felt from the spin-off industries – the vendors and suppliers who set up shop some 30 or 60 miles away from the facility and, with workforces from 20 to 220, produce the parts needed at the assembly plant.

The trick, of course, is landing those vendors.

And the work behind the "trick" must begin now.

Community leaders from mayors to businessmen to educators and doctors will be called on to help with the economic development efforts. Our leaders have refined a their approach to courting industries – proven with the success of the process that

brought a Wal-Mart distribution center to Brundidge – and they will put that program into play with state officials and prospective industries.

But each of us can help, as well. The simplest contributions – from taking pride in our community by keeping it litter-free to sprucing up our neighborhoods and houses. If we agree – as most do – that first impressions are lasting ones, then we should agree that it’s critical for Troy and Pike County to make a good first impression.

So, we encourage of you – business owner or homeowner – to take an objective look around in the coming days. Does the grass need mowing? The sidewalk trimming? The lights replacing?

If so, invest the time in the effort.

Ultimately, the time spent now could help us land those magical jobs, jobs, jobs in the future.  

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