Boys, girls of summer set to return
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 4, 2002
It’s the return of the boys, and girls of summer.
On Saturday, the Troy Parks and Recreation Department officially begins its summer ball program.
Hundreds of boys as girls, as young as age 5, will take part in the T-ball, baseball and softball leagues.
The goal of the program is to teach them the sport of baseball, or softball. Along the way the league does much more. It gives them an opportunity to build self-esteem and self-confidence; to teach them the value of teamwork; to teach sportsmanship and respect; and, hopefully, to spark a love the game and of sports.
And, most important to the youngsters playing the game, it’s an opportunity to have fun.
Summer ball is a rite of passage for many Southerners. We define our summers by ballgames and tournaments, and we build memories of times spent "at the ballpark." The lessons we learn on the field often stick with us for a lifetime, and in the best circumstances the coaches and volunteers help shape the character of the youngsters in their charge.
As we ready to enter yet another ball season, let’s remember the best of what this sport has to offer – the fun, the lessons, the camaraderie and the chance to make memories. Let’s support the coaches and volunteers who give tirelessly of their time and energies to help make this league a success.
And, most important, let’s support our kids and "play ball."
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