Troy State’s ‘Spring Reunion’ a big success

Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 24, 2002

Sports Columnist

Last week’s Spring Reunion at Troy State was a huge success.

The university honored Dr. Earl Watson for his 19 years of service as Athletic Director and Chairman of the Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation from 1950 to 1969.

Hundreds of former students, friends and colleagues came out to the reception for Dr. Watson on Friday night and the Spring Reunion Banquet on Saturday.

Some of his colleagues who came to honor their old boss was former teacher and tennis coach Preston Griffin, TSU baseball coach and teacher Dr. Melvin Lucas, former teacher Pat Allison Queen, track coach and teacher Nick Costes, football coach, teacher and former department head Dr. Rudy Argenti, former basketball coach and and teacher Dr. Leonard Serfustini, who travelled all the way from his home in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Joyce Ellis Bracewell, former HYPER staff member from Troy.

It was great to see some of Troy State’s all-time great basketball players, who were here when Dr. Watson ruled the roost in Red Wave athletics.

Samson’s Steve Holley and his wife drove up from Mobile, New Brockton’s Charles Clarke came from Enterprise, Dean Craig came from Enterprise, Eufaula’s Paul Word came from Troy, Mike Sexton came over from Selma, Ronnie Hays and Dickie Mueller came from Mobile, Greenville’s William Thigpen drove down from Fayette, Bob Moore from Dothan, Elba’s Leon Davis came from Montevallo and John McGinty came all the way from Savannah to see a man that they loved and respected.

Former Livingston State and Eufaula High School coach Jack Powell drove over from his home in Eufaula to pay his respects. It was good to see Coach Powell and former Troy High-CHHS coach Leon Hilyer get together after so many years. It was good to see Chase Riddle and Helton Fowler at the reception on Friday.

I also saw former Trojan Parker White, who lives in Montgomery. Even Jackie Davis, who played football in ’47, ’48, and ’49, came down from his home in Montgomery to greet Dr. Watson. My good friend and former football player from Russellville, Cecil Langcaster (1948-1951) drove down for the weekend.

It was great to see so many people reuniting together and talking about the good old days at Troy State. Ms. Bobbie Boyd Lubker of Chapel Hill, N.C., stole the show with her wonderful personality. Bobbie is the daughter of Dean Boyd, who was for many years the Dean of Students at Troy State. She is now a professor in health education at UNC.

It was a great weekend!

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade was a huge success last Saturday morning thanks to the efforts of Buddy Starling. I think we’ve really got something there! It’s the only St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Alabama that has been declared by the state legislature as the St. Patrick’s Day Parade for Alabama. I think it’s going to be a huge event in the years to come.

It was a great gesture on the part of the administration at Troy State to honor such a great man in Dr. Earl Watson. If you could have heard his presentation at the Spring Reunion Banquet on Saturday night you would understand even more about what I’m talking about.

Dr. Watson and his wife, Van, would love to hear from you. You can write them at 4870 Peacock Drive, Pensacola, Fla. 32504.

The Spring Reunion Weekend 2002 will leave a lot of memories in a lot of people’s hearts.

I can’t wait to do it all over again next year.

I hope to see you there!