City department hoops teams ‘shoot it out’ at charity tourney

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Sports Editor

Some of the players had them. Some of them never did.

Basketball skills that is.

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But that didn’t stop various City of Troy employees from putting together their own rendition of "March Madness" on Monday night at the Charles Henderson High School Gymnasium. Six teams, all composed of city workers, held a basketball tournament with all proceeds to be divided between the March of Dimes and Relay For Life charities.

Concessions were sold at the tournament, as well as T-shirts, and although final monetary totals weren’t available at press time, City of Troy Spokesperson Jennifer Martin said she thought the final tally would be well over $200.

"We charged a $1 entrance fee to the games and teams were charged a $25 entry fee to participate," said Martin.

The teams participating were the Grounds Department, Troy Police, Troy Utilities, Public Works, Recycling and the Troy Parks and Recreation Department.

Troy Recycling pulled off the win in the championship game over the Grounds Department.

The March of Dimes is a nonprofit, 63-year-old organization which has been dedicated to improve the health of newborn babies by reducing infant mortality and birth defects.

Relay For Life is a yearly event sponsored by the American Cancer Society with a focus on raising funds to fight cancer.