‘Taste of Pike County’ a success

Published 12:00 am Friday, March 8, 2002

Features Editor

More than a thousand area residents came to sample the wares of Pike County merchants at the Third Annual Taste of Pike County last night at the old Wal-Mart center.

The event is sponsored by the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and Jenniffer Barner, community development director, said the "Taste" was once again a tremendous success.

"We are excited about the number of people who come out each year to see what our business community has to offer," Barner said. "The support of our local merchants is outstanding and we want to thank each one of them for

taking the time and making the effort to be a part of ‘Taste of Pike County.’ We had 85 business to participate this year and that is outstanding participation. We thank them and everyone who was a part of making this event such a great success."

"People come to ‘Taste of Pike County’ for a variety of reasons – ‘fun, food and frolic’ and a chance to see what the merchants of Pike County have to offer," said Mayretta Strother of Brundidge.

Margaret Stewart of Troy said she came for the same reasons.

"I’ve found products and services that I didn’t know were available in Pike County," she said. "It’s a very informative event. I can check prices on products without having to go into the store. And, I can also compare prices."

Edward Brown went home after driving school children home in the bus and made a serious effort to get back to Troy.

"This is a good place to

just look around at what all we’ve got in Pike County," he said. "You can register for all kinds of things and find some good bargains. I’m glad I came and I’ll come back if they do this again."

For merchants, the "Taste of Pike County" is a chance to get their story out.

"This is my first year," said ALFA agent, George Merritt. "I’d heard what a whopping success it was and I wanted to see for myself."

Merritt said it’s always good business to be a face in the crowd and the "Taste of Pike County" gave him an opportunity to visit with policy holders and possibly meet new ones.

For Lamar Steed of Steed Tire Service in Brundidge, the event afforded him the same opportunities.

"This is good business for the Chamber and it’s good business for each member," he said. "This event promotes Pike County in a very positive way and I think everybody benefits."