Farmers tired of waiting on Washington
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 6, 2002
Some south Alabama farmers tired of waiting in limbo took their lobbying
efforts to Washington, D.C., this week, but it’s doubtful they will have much
The group of farmers met with House Agriculture Chairman Larry Combest, among
other Congressmen, to urge action on the farm bill.
The Alabama farmers, like so many across the nation, are in limbo waiting to
see what Congress will pass to replace the expiring farm bill.
The House and
Senate have vastly different proposals, driven in large part by partisan politics, and even Combest is readily admits that resolving those differences
isn’t likely to happen this session.
The leaves farmers holding an empty seed bag. The uncertainty of the new farm bill, particularly the unresolved issues of
how the government will assign quotas and at what levels it will provide
subsidies to farmers, leaves many wondering if their livelihood is in
question. Farmers are hesitant to plant; banks are hesitant to loan money on
uncertain subsidies; and Congress is, if not hesitant certainly not
motivated, to quickly resolve the issue.
The farmers are men and women of action; perhaps that’s why they felt
compelled to take their lobbying calls to Washington.
Let’s hope their presence can spur Congress on to action.
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