Chamber expo showcases county businesses

Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 2, 2002

Showcasing Pike County’s treasures is the goal of the Taste of Pike County expo.

Hosted by the Pike County Chamber of Commerce, Thursday’s event is an opportunity for local businesses and individuals to tell their story – from what they offer to what they can do for you – to thousands of people.

It’s an exciting and informative event, one that puts networking, business-building, and economic development squarely in the midst of a good time. With refreshments provided by the local restaurants – who are more than willing to offer samples of many of their most popular dishes – and the opportunity to meet and greet literally hundreds of your friends, neighbors and peers in Pike County, the chamber has hit on a successful formula.

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The Taste of Pike County has proven that success for two years now. Participation has doubled each year, and organizers say if that trend continues more than 2,000 people could attend on Thursday.

For businesses, that means an opportunity to meet 2,000 potential customers or clients.

For individuals, that means a chance to learn about scores of local businesses and industries, to discover just what all we have to offer here in Pike County.

Booth space is still available – at $30 for chamber members; $50 for non-members – as are tickets to the event, which are $5 in advance and $8 at the door.

If you haven’t reserved your booth, do so on Monday. And take part in a true showcase of the treasures and resources of Pike County.  

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