Patrick Smith injured in rodeo competition Saturday

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, February 5, 2002

Features Editor

A Pike County rodeo cowboy is listed in critical condition in a Nashville hospital after being thrown into a cement wall by a bucking bronco Saturday night at a Shelbyville, Tenn. rodeo.

Patrick Smith of Banks had completed his ride and was dismounting when the bronco began to buck, sending him headfirst into the wall, said his dad, Ben Smith.

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Patrick was taken to a Shelbyville hospital and then airlifted to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville.

Smith said his son hit the wall on the right side of his head, fracturing his skull and causing swelling of the brain.

As of 8 p.m. Monday, the Troy State University sophomore remained in critical condition but was holding his own.

"He’s no better, but he’s no worse and the doctors say as long as he is holding his own, that he has a 50-50 chance," said his mother, Angela. "They put a tube in to drain the fluid, but it’s not working as fast as the doctors had hoped. But, as long as he’s the same … that gives us hope and time for the swelling to do down."

Surgery could be an option, but according to Patrick’s mother, the surgery would be risky.

"We just ask everyone to continue to pray for Patrick," she said. "He’s young and he’s strong, but right now he needs everyone’s prayers."

She also expressed appreciation to everyone who has had Patrick and his family in their thoughts and prayers.

"That’s what we need now

prayers for Patrick," his dad said.