Good Neighbor: Randy Grissett named president of Regions Bank

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 1, 2002

Features Editor

Randy Grissett started at an entry level in the banking business, but he has steadily climbed the ladder until he is now at the top of the small banking business world.

Grissett was named president of Regions Bank of Troy after the retirement of Jack Rainey at the beginning of the year.

To climb any higher would mean changing ladders, so for now, he’s completely happy with where he is and what he’s doing.

"If someone had told me four years ago that I would be in this position, I wouldn’t have believed them," Grissett said. "I’ve been in the banking business 12 years and that seems like a long time, but really it isn’t. I am very honored and appreciative of the confidence shown in me by placing me in this position."

Grissett is a native of Andalusia but grew up in Prattville. He attended college in Tennessee and earned a degree in business with an emphasis in finance.

"I have always enjoyed working with numbers and with people, so finance afforded me the opportunity for a career that combined the two."

Grissett first worked as a customer service representative and teller at a Birmingham bank. Then he was an assistant manager with First Alabama Bank in Montgomery

and branch manager in Prattville before coming to Regions Bank in Troy in 1999.

As president of the bank, his duties and responsibilities include growing the bank by increasing deposits and loans within the guidelines of the bank.

"My position also includes management of the office and that provides me with an opportunity to work with all of our personnel," he said.

Grissett said banks are classified – small, medium, large and extra large.

"Regions Bank of Troy, with assets of $84 million, is classified as a small bank but it can provide big services to the people of Pike County and the surrounding area.

To move any higher on the ladder in banking, he would have to move to a bank in a larger classification or be offered a corporate job.

"If the opportunity ever came, I would consider it, but right now I couldn’t be happier," he said. "The people I work with every day are wonderful people and outstanding employees and we have the greatest customers in the world. I am very honored to have been promoted to bank president and I am looking forward to a long term in that position.’

Grissett and his wife, Jendia, have two children, a daughter, Addison, 3, and a son, Mason, 10 months.

"Jendia is a stay-home mom and I like to spend as much time with my family as possible," he said, adding that his family is his love and his hobby.

"I do enjoy fishing when I have time, but I have little time," he said. "And, I really enjoy whitewater rafting. That’s something I really like to do, but until the children get older, I won’t be doing much, if any, of that."

Grissett is a member of the Collegedale Christ of Christ, the Troy Rotary Club and the Alabama Banking School.

Regions Bank is a strong supporter of the Pike County Relay for Life and the March

of Dimes and Grissett also gives his personal support to both worthwhile agencies.