Names placed on war memorial

Published 12:00 am Monday, January 14, 2002

News Editor

Several families gathered at Memorial Park in Troy Wednesday afternoon to place the names of their loved ones who fought in the two world wars.

The names of three deceased World War I and three deceased World War II veterans were placed on the respective bronze plaques on the war memorial.

"If you’ll notice the World War II plaque is now full," said Jean Gibson, vice president of American Legion Post #70 Auxiliary, after the last name was placed on the plaque. "We have another plaque on the way, but as you are well aware, these plaques are expensive. We really appreciate all of the donations from people in the community which has helped with the purchase of the new plaque."

The names of World War I veterans placed on the plaque Wednesday were Levie James Herndon, Sr., James L. Boutwell and Grady Lenard Reeves. The names of the World War II veterans names placed on the plaque Wednesday were Charles Augustus Herndon, James L. Knotts and Virgil Ray Brock.

The family members of each veteran who were present for the ceremony were asked to take part in placing the name plates on the plaques. Family members of Grady Reeves participating in the ceremony were Homer Reeves, George Reeves and Louise Reeves.

Family members of James Boutwell who participated were Louise Reeves, Ruby Andress, Dawn Scarbrough, Dimple Gilbert, Leigh Ann Gilbert, Ray Boutwell and Jerry Boutwell.

Family members of Levie Herndon, Sr. and Charles Augustus Herndon who participated in the ceremony were Bert Fowler, Kitty Fowler, Bob Nunnelee and Joanne Nunnelee.

Virgil Ray Brock’s family members who participated were Angie Adams, Wayne Brock and Janice Brock.

The family members of James Knotts were unable to attend the ceremony.

During the ceremony, Vivian L. Cole and Ruth Kreps made donations to the memorial fund

set up to help with the purchase of additional plaques for the memorial.

American Legion Post #70 Commander Fred Kreps accepted the donations and emphasized how much the memorial means to the families of those who fought to preserve freedom.