Troy: A really great place to live
Published 12:00 am Sunday, January 13, 2002
During the Tuesday night meeting of the Troy City Council, the council was presented with an award received by Whaley Construction Company for their work done on the Troy City Complex.
Max Whaley presented the award to the council, which was a selfless act on his part. He could have just as easily put the award in his office or at home on his mantle (if he has one). But instead he decided to share it with the city’s leaders and the rest of the Troy Community.
Not often enough do we see such selflessness in today’s world of gimme, gimme, gimme. There are too many people running around more worried about what they can get for themselves instead of trying to help their fellow man.
If more of us would take the time to lend a helping hand to those in need, perhaps there wouldn’t be so much greed floating around.
Thankfully we live in a community where the majority of people care about each other. A prime example is the wreck victims last week in Virginia. Council Member Charles Meeks said he and his wife were overwhelmed by the response of those in the community who called and sent cards of well wishes to them after the accident. We here in Troy and Pike County are truly blessed. Just ask those who have been in need and have been touched by those here who care.
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