Baptist Association to host ‘All Mission Celebration’

Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 10, 2002

Features Editor

Every five years, the Salem Troy Baptist Association hosts an associational event and this year’s unique event will attract the interest of churches throughout the area, as well as member churches.

Twenty-seven missionaries, from the international, national and state boards will participate in the "All Mission Celebration" Feb. 17-20.

The opening event for the "celebration" will be a Mission Fair from 4 until 6 p.m. Feb. 16 at Cattleman Park.

Missionaries from countries, including Africa, Germany, South America, the Middle East and Third World countries that cannot be named will participate, along with missionaries from Ohio, Maine, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, West Virginia and four Alabama home mission fields.

"At the Mission Fair, the missionaries will set up booths sharing their work, their customs and displaying items of interest," said Bobby Holladay, association mission director of the Salem Troy Baptist Association. "The Mission Fair will be a wonderful opportunity for anyone who is interested in missions to talk with these missionaries and learn about their particular place and line of work."

Local service agencies, such as the American Red Cross and Sav-a-Life, will also have information booths at the Mission Fair.

"The Mission Fair is open to everyone who is interested in the work being done in the mission field, at home and abroad," Holladay said. "There is no charge for the Mission Fair. It is an opportunity to learn about missions in other countries, as well as our own. We often think of missions in terms of overseas, but great mission work is also being done in our country and in our state."

The "All Mission Celebration" will take place in 27 member churches of the Salem Baptist Association beginning with the Sunday, Feb. 17 morning worship services.

"The missionaries will be involved in the Sunday morning and evening worship services and the Wednesday night services," Holladay said. "They will rotate churches and services so there will be missionaries from different areas at each service."

Holladay said some of the churches will hold special mission services, including many women’s events.

"Some area business owners will have the missionaries come in to their place of business and several civic groups have asked them to speak at meetings," Holladay said. "We encourage clubs and organizations that would like to have a mission speaker as their guest to contact us at the association office at 566-1538. They have much to share and this is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about international missions, North American missions and home missions."

Holladay said the purpose of the All Mission Celebration is for the missionaries to work with the association and with the individual churches to learn more about missions and to gain support for them.

"We want to familiarize the member churches of our associations – and others who are interested – with mission opportunities and, together, fulfill the greater commission of our Lord Jesus Christ," Holladay said.

Any church, business, club or organization that would like to be a part of the "All Mission Celebration" is encouraged to call Holladay at 566-01538 to make arrangements.