County school board prepares for review

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Staff Writer

During Monday night’s meeting the Pike County Board of Education took care of several

items of business on its agenda including a replacement policy on school admissions requirements.

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The Board of Education, which will undergo a comprehensive review in January of 2002, is in the process of making a few small adjustments.

The board approved two policies on the agenda, with the first being a policy for federal programs. "This policy just says that we will abide with federal regulations regarding implications and administration of all federally funded programs," Key said.

The second policy, a replacement policy on school admission requirements, was also approved and structured in a way that it would coincide with the

requirements of the visiting committee in January.

"There are a few changes in the policy. There is an attempt to word it in a way that there will be no barrier for students that are homeless or ESL students that use English as a second language, so that it won’t prevent them from being enrolled in school," Key said. "We have worded it in such a way that we hope it will meet (the committee’s) requirements."

Also during the board meeting Jane Thrash, a representative of the United Way, handed out a couple of awards from the United Way Foundation.

"I’d like to make this presentation to Mr. Hall on behalf of the Pike County United Way to Banks School for payroll deductions and through individual pledges," Thrash said. "They donated over $1,000 this year to the 2002 campaign, making them a goal level school and giving them a leadership award."

The other presentation was made to the Pike County School System for giving over $2,000 to the United Way. The gift, given by teachers and staff, made the Pike County School System a platinum giver and the top leadership giver this year to the Pike County United Way.

In addition the board also approved a request by Lucille Blair for assistance with transportation and for professional leave for two additional teachers to accompany gifted students to Space Camp in Huntsville o March 12-13, 2002. There will be about 60 students participating in the trip.

John Key, superintendent, and board member Linda Sneed urged other members and those in attendance at the meeting to contact their state representatives and voice their opinions on educational cuts.