War on terrorism shifts to a new front

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 28, 2001

As President Bush cautioned this week, our long fight against terrorism is "just beginning."

In routing the Taliban from its strongholds throughout the country, our

troops have achieved an important first step in the mission.

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But our war is far from over, and as Americans we need to remain steadfast in our patriotism and in our support of the war effort.

Osama binLaden is still free. Terrorists from his global network remain hidden throughout the world. And Taliban loyalists remain in Afghanistan. Defeating terrorism and ending its global reach will be a long, involved and intensive battle.

The war on terrorism is shifting to a new front, as Marines and ground troops move into Afghanistan.

And, as we learned on Monday, when a stray bomb wounded five American soldiers, the ground battle will be a long, treacherous one. Special forces will fight to oust the last of the Taliban loyalists and will pursue the elusive Osma bin Laden. Results will not come quickly or easily, but we must remain firmly convinced that they will come.

Our cause ­ to put an end to the global network of terrorists and murderers ­ is one based on fairness and respect, two of the foundations of our democracy. At the core of that respect is a basic respect for the sanctity of human life ­ a sanctity seemingly disregarded by the terrorist network.

As we know, this war bears no easy answers or outcomes. What we face today may be different than the enemy that we face tomorrow.

But we have already learned an important and valuable lesson ­ that Americans’ unity and spirit are undaunted; that we can unite as a country to protect our freedoms and our democracy; and that we have a strength and hope that come from that unity and that patriotism.

We will stand strong.  

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