Scholarship workshop a much-needed one

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 27, 2001

"Knowledge is the key to success."

So says a flyer promoting tonights Scholarship Opportunities workshop coordinated by the Pike County Chamber of Commerce, Troy State University and the Troy Public Library Teen Board. The workshiop begin sat 6:30 p.m. today at the TSU Hawkins Adams Long Hall of Honor.

And, if these organizers are successful in their inaugural workshop, they will impart many "keys" to success to potential college students.

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Based on that simple premise ­ that knowledge is power ­

the groups have joined efforts to create a workshop designed to answer the hundreds of questions both parents and potential college students face ­ questions like "how can I get student loans?" or "what courses do I need to take for admission?" or "what do I need to do to increase my chances for a scholarship."

A college education is a critical part of any young person’s development, and learning about ways to help fund that school is an educational process for parents. And, it’s an education that can never start too soon. From the state-sponsored early college savings plan to literally hundreds of scholarships and awards, opportunties to offset college education costs abound ­ if parents know how to take advantage of those opportunities.

No one has all the answers. But the pooling of resources and information into a one-stop workshop is a good first step. And the partnership between Troy State, the Chamber and the Library’s active Teen Board is an encouraging one. The teens were quick to recognize the need for this type of information, and through their suggestions and inquiries this workshop was conceived.

We’re pleased that they’ve taken the intitiative to host this workshop and we hope that it will be well-attended by both parents and students. Ultimately, if the workshop helps even one more student attend college then it will be a true success.  

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