Library book drive deserves our support
Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 24, 2001
A love for reading is something created in youth.
The Troy Public Library Teen Board knows that and is trying to put books in the hands of young people by holding a "Floor to Ceiling Book Drive."
Plans are to collect new books, which will be donated to the Pike County Christmas Program so those a bit less fortunate will have something special for Christmas.
Understanding the need to work toward a high literacy rate, The Messenger supports the efforts of these young people and urges citizens to give to the cause.
The ability to read gives one the foundation for a better life.
Putting books in the home means a child is more likely to develop a love for reading, giving them the opportunity to do things and go places they might not otherwise do or go.
Teen Board members are asking for books ­ from first readers to the eighth-grade level ­ or money so they can make special purchases.
Give a copy of your favorite book or a book your children wanted you to read over and over in their growing-up years.
Books can be dropped off at the Troy Public Library or Troy Elementary School’s library.
There is a collection jar at the library for monetary donations and Friends of the Library have pledged to match the money raised, up to $350.
Andrew Carnegie once said "there was no use to which money could be applied so productive of good to boys and girls…as the founding of a public library."
He realized the importance of libraries and we realize the importance of books in each and every home.
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