Teens add touch to the library

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 23, 2001

Staff Writer

One group of teens in Troy that is working toward making the future better for others and themselves.

The Troy Public Library Teen Board has been in existence under a year, but has accomplished quite a bit.

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Teresa Colvin, who oversees children and adult services at the library, is proud of what the board has done since its inception in January.

"We’re trying to make the library a fun place so they’ll utilize the library more," Colvin said.

Members of the teen board are invited to join based on recommendations from school personnel, having an active library card "so we know they are using the library" and being leaders in the community.

She said the "good group of kids" has taken on several projects such as a new-book drive to help put books in the hands of less fortunate children.

"Every year, we want to try to come up with new ideas," Colvin said of things like summer craft workshops, helping with the library’s summer reading program and lock-ins.

In the past, the teen board has tutored children during the summer, free of charge, said TPL Teen Board member Thomas Price.

"It’s fun," Thomas said of being on the board. "I’d been in the library and was invited to join, so I thought "why not?"

That decision, he said, has been a good one.

Teen Board president Heather Powell said she thinks it is good the youth have a say in the library’s activities and programs.

"It helps teenagers have a say with the board instead of it just being a library for adults and children," Powell said.

She also enjoys "doing lots of stuff together" since the board brings students from the different public schools together.

In addition to the book drive to benefit the Pike County Christmas Program, the teen board has a college scholarship workshop scheduled for Nov. 27 and a young adult lock-in on Dec. 20.

"We’re excited about the scholarship workshop," Colvin said. "I hope it will be an annual event."

The scholarship workshop for parents and youth will be at 6:30 p.m. at Hawkins Adams Long Hall of Honor on the Troy State University campus. TSU, the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and the library’s Teen Board will sponsor the program.

Colvin said the workshop was the result of some of the teens talking about finding funding for college.

"They need to start early ­ when they’re in ninth grade ­ instead of as seniors," Colvin said of looking for money that will fund a college education.

Representatives from the field of education will discuss topics such as the importance of the ACT and the unlimited means of scholarships.

The library also has a supply of books and materials on finding scholarships and other issues that may impact a college-bound student, such as dealing with roommates and the adjustments to college life.

"We’re planning to have mock interviews and sessions on how to fill out job applications," Colvin said.

Then, in December youth between the ages of 12 and 18 will have a Christmas lock-in from 7 to 10 p.m. at the library. That night will include watching "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" and playing Mean Santa, which falls right in line with the movie’s theme.

Colvin said the teen board members "just enjoy having something to do."