PLAS holds football sports banquet

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 22, 2001

The Pike Liberal Arts School recently held its fall varsity and junior varsity football banquet.

Honored seniors were Michael DiChiara (Most Valuable Offensvie Lineman), Druid Conrad (Most Valuable Receiver), Lonnie Ward (Most valuable running back), and Layton Sanders (Most Valuable Offensive Player).

On defense, seniors honored were Kevin Watkins (Most Valuable Defensive Lineman), Mark Brown (Most Valuable Linebacker), Brent Hill (Most Valuable Defensive Back), and Bill Hughes (Most Valuable Defensive Player).

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Junior Derek Broderway was named Most Improved Offensive Player, while Brady Dunn was the Patriots’ Most Valuable Special Teams Player.

Conrad and Sanders were also named to the AISA All-Star Team. The game will be played on Nov. 30.

Junior varsity players honored were Chance Kelly (Most Valuable Offensive Player), Carter Miles (Most Valuable Defensive Player), and three junior Patriots, Dean Anderson, Mitch Herring and Sam Sellars, took home the Most Improved award.

The Patriots’ varsity team finished the year at 3-8 under first year head coach Mack Williams.