Community gathers at Thanksgiving services

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 21, 2001

Many gathered Tuesday night to offer thanks to God for blessings they have received during community Thanksgiving worship services in Troy and Brundidge.

At Hephzibah Baptist Church, Dr. John Brannon, pastor of First United Methodist Church in Troy, talked about what "a great thing we can do here tonight" by gathering ­ no matter what denomination ­ and giving thanks.

"I remember years when we haven’t been together," Brannon said of the spirit of community and caring that have resulted from the terrorist attacks on America. "September 11 brought us so close together.

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"There are, in all of us these days, reasons to search out the scriptures," Brannon said. "In all things we should be grateful. In all circumstances life presents us with, we should be grateful."

It is the impact of those terrorist attacks, he said, that has made this particular season of Thanksgiving more important that any other before. He also said he hopes that is something that "will be constant" in the future.

The Rev. Richard Holmes, pastor of Brundidge United Methodist Church, also touched on the impact of Sept. 11 during his message.

He used the story of the 10 lepers healed by Jesus as the basis of his sermon during a special community service at Salem Baptist Church in Brundidge.

He reminded the congregation only one of those healed came back to thank Him.

"They obeyed him, but weren’t thankful," Holmes said. "Our nation has been that way.

Holmes said before Sept. 11 we were a sick nation.

"As sick as it sounds, I’m thankful something has brought us together," Holmes said.

"We are God’s people.

"Now, we realize we are all God’s children," regardless of race, creed and religion.

It’s not enough to be obedient, he said, adding individuals must also offer thanks to God.

"We must be one with each other and one with God."

Both services included special music and prayers of thanksgiving.