BFI Subtitle ‘D’ Landfill opens in Brundidge

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 2, 2001

Features Editor

Garbage is big business and Brundidge is now open for "big business."

Brundidge is under contract with Browning Ferris Inc. (BFI), a subsidiary of Allied Waste, as the host government for the Subtitle "D" landfill which will bring additional revenue to the city and make it a more attractive location when industry comes knocking.

The landfill officially opened yesterday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and gathering of city and county officials, business people and representatives of BFI.

Gerald Green, district manager for BFI, opened the program and expressed his appreciation for the warm welcome his company has received from the city of Brundidge.

"We are excited to be in Brundidge and we look forward to a long relationship here," he said. "I have never been involved in a project where we have been more well received. I know this has been a long time coming. We are proud to be a part of this community and this area."

Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage said the landfill has

been a long time coming.

"Back in 1990, we annexed some land to make the entire property for the Subtitle ‘D’ landfill within the city limits,"

he said. "We were real excited about the prospects at that time. But, the project was moth-balled in 1993-94 and we went through a low time. Then, we were excited again when we learned that BFI and Waste Management were going to swap assets. We’ve been through some highs and lows, but, today, our dream has come true."

The mayor called the opening of the landfill "another piece of the puzzle for the county."

"Having a landfill here will make us attractive to industry and, with the waste water treatment plant right next door, that should make us real attractive when industry comes knocking," he said.

According to Shane Harris, general manager of BFI, the 206-acre landfill has the potential to handle up to 1,500 tons of solid waste a day.

"Each cell is 13 acres, so we will be able to meet the needs of this area for a long, long time," he said. "At this time, we are handling about 40 to 80 tons a day with waste coming from K&W Plastics, Waste Management, Brundidge and Troy."

A number of cities and towns in the area are transporting their waste to a Coffee County landfill and have to come through Brundidge on the way. Therefore, contracting with the Brundidge landfill in the future could be a very cost effective measure for them. So, BFI is expecting to expand its relationship to include other towns in the area.

And, just what will the landfill mean to the city of Brundidge?

More truck traffic might be the downside, but the upside should far outweigh any additional rumbling on the roads, said City Manager Britt Thomas.

In addition to four full time jobs, now, and two others to be added soon, the city’s share of the tipping fees will bring in needed revenue that won’t come out of the pockets of its citizens.

"The first year we could expect, maybe $70,000," Thomas said. "When the landfill is operating at full capacity, it could mean as much as $200,000 to the city. And, the city also has a long disposal contract that will enable our citizens to pay reasonable prices for their waste disposal costs."

Everything considered, Nov. 1 was a good day in Brundidge and the city is looking toward a bright future and BFI is now a part of it and a reason for it.