Terrorism courses offer

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 1, 2001

specific response actions


Staff Writer

In the wake of terrorist threats on the United States, authorities across the nation are preparing for the worst possible scenario.

With no community being immune to the possibility of terrorist activity, Pike County Emergency Management Agency Director Larry Davis has scheduled three terrorism courses.

On Nov. 13, a four-hour course developed for emergency responders and managers (business, institutional and industrial). The program defines terrorism, who may be involved, potential consequences of terrorist action.

The class will offer specific response actions to consider during pre-planning, responding, incident scene management and emergency stabilization.

Davis said one important point covered in the course will be improving cooperation between agencies and unify command with outside agencies.

A four-hour course scheduled for Nov. 16 is titled "Terrorism: Awareness/Response for Educators" is specifically designed for administrators and staff in schools.

The class will include an overview of terrorism, likely targets in and around school facilities, methods of operations and potential consequences. It will focus mainly on specific actions to consider by educators who suddenly find themselves faced with a crisis situation, but will also offer information on managing an emergency scene, organizing resources, prioritizing actions and making smooth transitions to outside support agencies arriving to help.

"Bomb Threat Response to a Terrorist Incident" will be taught on Nov. 29.

That eight-hour course is designed to teach managers, as well as employees, how to search and what to look for in the event a bomb threat is made. It will include information about types of explosives, how to recognize search techniques and procedures, evacuation and hands-on practice, but will not include how to neutralize a bomb.

"There’s a lot of good training available through EMA, now," Davis said.

The courses are free, but are limited to 40 in each class.

Upon completion of a simple exam and proof of completion, a certificate will be issued.

To register for the classes, call Davis at 566-8272.