Forestry tour set for Thursday near Banks

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 30, 2001

Features Editor

All you need to know about longleaf pines and food on the side.

That’s the menu for the Forestry Tour at the farm of John and Carol Dorrill near Banks from 2 until 5 p.m. Thursday.

Wayne Craft, Pike County forester, said this year’s forestry tour will focus on the ways to improve the survival rate of longleaf pines.

"In recent years, we have lost a lot of our longleaf pines and people are wanting to know what they can do to help their trees survive," Craft said. "The seminar will provide information on the pines and how to get them to survive. We’ll talk about site preparation, what kind of trees to buy, when to plant, what chemicals to use and how to care for the trees. Basically, we’ll provide general information from buying to getting the trees in the ground to getting them sprayed and living good."

Craft said a good start is essential to good growth and knowing what to do and what not to do gets the longleaf pines off to a good start.

"The seminar will be very informative and we can learn a lot from others – what they’ve done right and what they’ve done wrong," he said. "This will be a good opportunity to find out want you need to know – for those who are already growing trees and those who are considering planting."

Most of the seminar will be inside but the participants will also visit a couple of nearby longleaf pine sites.

There is a fee of $5 for the seminar, with meal included.

Registration will continue through noon Wednesday and those who are interested in participating may call the Pike County Extension office at 566-0985.

The Dorrill farm is located off Highway 231 south of Troy. Turn at the stockyards and go to the dead end. Turn right. Go one and one-fourth miles, turn left on the paved road and follow the signs.