Signs point to ordinance violation

Published 12:00 am Thursday, October 25, 2001

Staff Writer

Signs are used to get a message out to the public, but they can also be a nuisance as Troy leaders are finding.

Last year, political candidates were reminded where they could not place campaign signs, but it is not only those seeking office who are violating the city’s ordinance on such matters.

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Section 14-5 states it is against the law for anyone "to cause to be posted upon or affixed to any utility pole any handbill, placard or advertisement."

It is also a violation of the ordinance to "post or stick" any such materials on public or private buildings, fence or other property with out the owner or occupant’s permission.

Violations of the ordinance can be punished by a fine of up to $500. Those convicted can also be imprisoned or sentenced to community service for up to six months.

"We are having a rash of folks who are violating our ordinance dealing with the placement of advertising notices and the like on our municipal utility poles and rights of way," said Troy City Council President Johnny Witherington.

"We continue to find all kinds of things being attached to our utility poles from garage sale announcements to birthday party directions."

Ordinance No. 84, which outlines littering in the city limits, states political signs and posters cannot be put on the city street rights-of-way.

"They can be on private property, but not on city rights-of-way," City Planner Calvin Lott said of campaign signs.

He said some business owners, in the past, have complained signs have been placed in front of their businesses ­ on the street right-of-way ­ without their permission.

"People are attaching various types of notices on traffic sign posts and often never show the courtesy of removing them even after the event sought to be announced has passed," Witherington said.

He said such notices are "unsightly" and urged everyone to act within the city’s ordinances "to help keep our city free of such nuisances."