Pike County BOE plans
Published 12:00 am Friday, October 19, 2001
for more funding cuts
Staff Writer
Proration has again reared its head for the Pike County Schools.
Thursday night, the Pike County Board of Education adopted a resolution authorizing a line of credit for up to $410,000 because of the chance the hit of proration will reach 5 percent this fiscal year.
"We don’t anticipate needing that much," Superintendent John Key said. "We hope only to have to draw down between $200,000 and $300,000."
Key told board members school superintendents across the state have been asked to contact legislators about "closing the loopholes in the corporate tax laws" so schools can get more money that are allowing corporations to pay less in taxes.
"Essentially, we’re in proration," Key said of the increase that is expected to be officially announced in January.
Key said that announcement will mean a loss of about $500,000 more to the Pike County schools.
"That’s why the 1 percent sales tax increase is so important," Key said.
Already, the county schools are expected to receive less ­ than the Troy City Schools ­ from property tax because of a decrease in enrollment.
In other business, the board:
· Denied an interdistrict transfer request that did not meet the stipulations of the federal court order.
· Approved participation in the America’s School Program and Alabama Association of School Boards PRIME Program.
· Designated board president Norman Chandler as the board’s delegate to the AASB Delegate Assembly on Dec. 6 in Birmingham.
· Was presented copies of the 2001-2002 Comprehensive Plan, which is about three inches thick.
· Passed a resolution recognizing Nov. 11-17 as American Education Week and Nov. 13 as Retired Teachers’ Day.
· Approved a partnership with East Central Mental Health for a part-time school psychometrist, who will be employed by ECMH but will help with testing students.
· Renewed property insurance with The Witherington Insurance Group. The policy increased by $5,700 because of an increase in property value.
· Approved transportation for the environmental science class at Goshen High School to conduct hydrology tests at a local pond during the second nine weeks.
· Granted maternity leave to Wendy Watson for approximately Oct. 15 through Jan. 7, 2002.
· Approved the employment of Mary McClure as bus driver for a Goshen route (Mt. Moriah area).
· Approved a request by Jean Wrather to accompany two students to the Regional Conference in Greensboro, N.C. on Nov. 9-11.