5K Peanut Butter run set for this coming Saturday

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 16, 2001

Features Editor

There’s a type of peanut called a "runner" and with a name like that, there just has to be an official run to celebrate the annual Peanut Butter Festival.

Two-legged runners can double-dip on Oct. 20 by jump-starting Festival day with the 5K Peanut Butter Run and then spreading the fun throughout the day by participating in the many activities scheduled in downtown Brundidge.

The run gets underway with the ringing of the cowbell at exactly 8 a.m. at Green’s Antiques on South Main Street.

The run traces the route the farmers used to take when they loaded their wagons with peanuts and took them to the mill – with a couple of turns.

The route also take runners through downtown Brundidge that is all decked out for the Peanut Butter Festival and passed several historic sites, including the gravesite of the town’s founder, G.C. Collier, the Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library, the Bass House and the Johnston Mill.

The entry fee is $10 for adults and $7 for students, including college. All who finish the run will receive a Peanut Butter Run tee shirt.

Trophies will be awarded to the three top finisher’s in each division and special awards will be presented to the top male and female finisher’s.

There will also be drawings for "goober" prizes and sweet sippin’s when the race is done.

So, put on your running shoes and jog down to one of the most fun 5K runs around.

The Peanut Butter 5K Run is sponsored by the Hudson Companies of Troy.

The company originated in Brundidge and produced its own line of peanut butter for many years.

Hudson helps celebrate Brundidge’s proud heritage in the peanut butter industry and salutes the runners who compete on Peanut Butter Festival Day.

For more information or to register call Chip Wallace at 735-2338 or 566-9401.

Runners may register on the day of the run.